Our Board
Set Apart CR is a six member board of trusted individual with a heart for the Kingdom of God. Each of them donate of their time and skill to support the missionaries. This way those on the field may continue their service to the indigenous people in Costa Rica.

Brent Parris
Brent Parris is the Senior Vice President/Chief Human Resources Officer at Countybank in Greenwood, SC. Brent brings an extensive background in human resources, operations management and organizational development. Previously, Brent served as a plant manager with Eaton, a diversified industrial manufacturing company. Brent is recognized by his colleagues and constituents as a trusted business leader with a proven track record for getting results and improvement. Brent currently serves as an elder at New Covenant Church (Greenwood, SC) and is a member of the Board of Trustees at Self Regional Healthcare. Brent is also the past chair of the United Way of the Lakelands and has previously served on various other community boards. Brent holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and is a member of the Society of Human Resources Management. Brent is married to Monica and have two adult children and grandchildren. In his free time Brent enjoys hunting, golf and running.

Brian Henry
Brian Henry, MD is a family physician who recently retired after 30 years at Due West Family Medicine. Brian was also Erskine College Physician during that time. Brian has previously served in leadership with Abbeville Area Medical Center (board and medical staff positions) and New Covenant Church in Greenwood, SC (elder and group leadership). Brian is married to Betsy and has 3 adult children and 2 grandchildren. He enjoys people, running, water sports and snow skiing.

Kim Harrell
Kim Harrell is the Missions & Outreach Director at New Covenant Church. Kim has been leading mission trips to Costa Rica with the Jones family since 2005 and has an endearing love and admiration for the family and their calling to see the Cabecars know & serve the Lord. It has been an honor to work alongside the Jones in bringing teams on short term mission trips for many years now. Kim is married to David who is the senior pastor at New Covenant Church which they planted together in October 2000. She & David do marriage counseling together & Kim is part of the care team to counsel women, too. They have 4 adult children and seven grandchildren that bring much joy to their lives as they all live in Greenwood, S.C. They sponsored an exchange student from China four years ago who they consider an “adopted” son & he spends his college breaks with them. Kim enjoys reading, hiking & having meals with family & friends.

Roy Richardson
Roy Richardson is the Data Center Manager for Fujifilm, a Fortune 500 International company, managing the Information Technology needs of 9 different subsidiaries across the US. He has been with Fujifilm for 25+ years. He has a Master’s in Computer Science from Capella University. Roy also served for seven years in the US Army National Guard. Roy has served on the board of Foothills Emmaus, part of the “Walk to Emmaus” ministry and currently serves as the webmaster for their site. Roy currently serves on the production team and the Missions Board for New Covenant Church. Roy and his wife, Donna, have four kids, two dogs, and a cat. He is into music, hiking, gadgets and technology and hosts a weekly livestream and podcast about Technology news.

Ruth Jones
Ruth grew up in the Chirripó mountains in Costa Rica. She studied theology at the Central American Seminary in Guatemala. She also studied dental hygiene at the University of Costa Rica. Ruth joined Timothy and David Jones as a co-missionary in late 2018. She works alongside them and the translation team as the typesetter and occasionally as a consultant.
Ruth has revamped the literacy department and manages the translation office. She also partnered with Rebekah & Joel Stoll as a dental assistant in their ministry. Mainly by going with the mobile clinic on the trips to the mountains and working with an orthodontist that donates her time to the clinic. Her passion is to help believers become critical thinkers of the Scripture.